The Linus Tech Tips Daily Driver Challenge is an attempt at using a linux system as your main rig. The hard(er) mode version is using Arch and i3wm as the os of choice.

Part 0 of this challenge will be testing the feasibility of arch-gaming using a kvm virtual machine. After successfully installing the os I will test installing and playing games through steam.

To follow along head to the arch sway install post or the arch i3 install post

LTT Daily Driver Challenge Goals

  • Pick linux OS
  • Install linux OS
  • Install and play Game

The Edit

In spirit of the linux challenge, all the editing will be done using FOSS apps. On audio we have an audacity fork Tenacity (Audacity seems to have spooky stuff going on lately), and on video we have the tried and true kdenlive!

Hot off the editing floor!
