This guide is for installing arch linux (UEFI) with xorg, Awesomewm, SDDM, Paru, BTRFS, Snapshots, Qemu, KVM, and Gaming.
This guide is for installing arch linux (UEFI) with Wayland, Hyprland, SDDM, Paru, BTRFS, Snapshots, Qemu, KVM, and Gaming.
A Kawasaki robot backup parser written in TypeScript for browser or Node. The library also includes TypeScript interfaces for use in new projects.
This guide is for installing arch linux (UEFI) with Xorg, i3wm, Lightdm, Paru, BTRFS, Snapper, Snap-pac-grub, Snapshots, Qemu, KVM, and Gaming.
A simple rigidbody based first person controller.
Updated: 2022-04-22
This guide is for installing arch linux (UEFI) with Wayland, Swaywm, Ly desktop launcher, Paru, BTRFS, Subvolumes, Snapper, Snap-pac-grub, Snapshots, Qemu, KVM, Iommu, and Gaming.
A simple clone of the well known kanban system Trello. Currently there isn’t a database attached beyond the react browser, but the user is able to add boards and cards.
There is also drag-n-drop functionality.
The Linus Tech Tips Daily Driver Challenge is an attempt at using a linux system as your main rig. The hard(er) mode version is using Arch and i3wm as the os of choice.
A robot project utility written in JS, HTML, CSS, React, and Electron.
The utility helps prepare robot related project work, and view/compare robot backup data.
A Metor based application for displaying production data from an SQL server.
As the name implies it is a SCADA system written in js(Node.js), the system uses the mcprotocol to communicate with a Mitsubishi PLC, uses Jade for templates, and express for routing.
A simple genetic algorithm written in modern C++ used to better understand vectors and smart pointers