Raßbräu Hard Seltzer
Cool crisp hard seltzer brew recipe (Non vodka based) with a choice of flavouring.
Mash Time | Boil Time | Ferment Time | Bottle Time | Ferment Temperature |
0 minutes | 15 minutes | 2 Weeks | 2 weeks | 19C to 21C |
ABV | Original Gravity (SG) | Final Corrected Gravity (SG) | Recipe Cost |
~6.2% | ~1.048 | ~0.998 | 67 CAD |

Photo of hard seltzer
- Aluminium Pot (~20L)
- Nylon Mesh Bag
- Stir Stick
- Airlock
- Carboy/Fermenter/Fermentation Bucket
- Syphon/Auto-syphon
- Thermometer
- Large Funnel
- Large pale (~27L)
- Kettle (~1.7L)
- Sanitiser (No rinse: Starsan)
- Cleaner PBW
- Keg/~46 500ml bottles
- 2.2kg Dextrose/ Corn Sugar (18CAD for 3kg)
- 1 package Dried Yeast, Safale US 05 (6CAD for 11.5g packet)
Desired priming sugar
(6CAD for 1kg of Corn Sugar)- 1 packet of Propper Seltzer Yeast Nutrient (10CAD per packet)
- 1g of Potassium Bicarbonate (5CAD for 50g)
- 24L Distilled/Spring Water (15CAD for 30L distilled)
Desired ammount of flavour extracts
(7CAD for 500ml of ABC Crafted)
Flavouring Table
Flavouring for ~23L of Seltzer
- Mio Water Squirts ~200-300ml
- Soda Stream ~200-300ml
- ABC Crafted Flavours ~60ml
- Olive Nation Extract ~60ml
Bottling Sugar Table
23L @ 20C @ 2.0CO2
- Table Sugar: 104.7 g
- Corn Sugar: 115.1 g
- DME - All Varieties: 154.0 g
- Belgian Candy Syrup: 166.3 g
- Belgian Candy Sugar: 139.7 g
- Black Treacle: 120.4 g
- Brown Sugar: 117.7 g
- Corn Syrup: 151.8 g
- Demarara: 104.7 g
- DME - Laaglander: 209.5 g
- Honey: 141.5 g
- Invert Sugar Syrup: 115.1 g
- Maple Syrup: 136.0 g
- Molasses: 147.5 g
- Rice Solids: 132.6 g
- Sorghum Syrup: 151.8 g
- Turbinado: 104.7 g
- Sanitize equipment: Nylon bag, airlock, carboy/fermenter, funnel, pale, yeast pack, scissors.
Use the distilled water to rinse if needed
- Add as much water to pot as possible leaving room for the other ingredients.
Any of the 24L that is unable to be added will be added to the fermenter afterwards
- Stir in 2.5kg of dextrose to pot.
- Bring pot to a light boil.
Make sure to constantly stir and prevent the sugars from burning to the pot
- Start 10 minute timer.
- Turn off heat.
- Stir in yeast nutrient.
- Stir in Potassium Bicarbonate.
- Remove sample for OG reading and let cool.
The wort needs to reach room temperature without introducing bacteria, before the yeast can be added
- Cool wort down to 19-21 Celsius using a chiller or ice bath.
- Add chilled wort to sanitised fermenter.
- Top up fermenter with distilled water to target volume.
- Add yeast to fermenter.
Make sure to sanitise packet and scissors before hand
- Shake fermenter to oxiginate wort.
- Place airlock on fermenter with sanitised solution in it.
- Place fermenter in a dark area at around 19-21 Celsius for
2 weeks
- Sanitize a large pale, a nylon bag, and your bottling/kegging equipment.
- Mix 500 mL of boiled water, proper amount of desired priming sugar, and proper amount of desired Flavouring in the pale.
- Let the sugar water cool.
- Place the the Nylon bag over the pale as a filter.
- Syphon out the fermented beer into the sugar water through the nylon bag without adding too much air to the mix.
- Syphon the mixture into your bottles and cap them.
- Let the bottles sit in a dark space for
1.5-2 weeks
- Place in fridge for
24 hours
before drinking. - Enjoy a month of work.